I'm a professional voice talent! Hear me in video games, toys, & animations. I'll voice anything from young boys & cute girls, to seductive temptresses and monsters. I will not voice adult content projects. Range: Medium - Suuuper High!

Bindy Coda @Bindy


Voice Actress

The internets

Joined on 12/20/09

Exp Points:
1,120 / 1,350
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.27 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 10m 20d

Bindy's News

Posted by Bindy - January 1st, 2015

It's been a few years since I've had a demo here! Why not start the new year by making a new demo, check it out!

If you want to scout me for a project, I don't often check PMs, so email is the best way to go! To scout, send detailed project information. Please note, I will not voice in adult content projects.


Posted by Bindy - May 24th, 2014

The NATA open round ended today and I recorded for quite a few people! Be sure to check them out! As always, I'll be providing voice work for any NATA participant that asks! Just remember, I'm a female voice talent! If you need my lovely lady voice, send me a PM or email! (codeblackhayate@gmail.com)


[Current Submission Versions! - To be updated!]


http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/639868 "Voicemail"



http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/639763 "Quest for the Cookie"



http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/639813 "An Interview with an Animator"



http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/44dfe78c55801c85cdf46c7e29a75f6d "Operation Simulation"



Not submitted for NATA...


Also! Funny thing! szlekjacob needed some last minute lines. He thought I was a male voice talent...until I recorded the part for the non-specific doctor role with my lady voice. Good ole Chongo ended up helping him out instead!


http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/639771 "The operation"



Posted by Bindy - May 3rd, 2014

It's that time of year folks! NATA is here again! As always, I'll be lending by voice to anyone competing. If you need my lovely lady voice, send me a PM or email!


NATA Open Round is currently underway! It's a blast to participate. If you want to enter the tournament, the rules and submission details are here! http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1365622

Best of luck everyone. 



Posted by Bindy - April 27th, 2013

The NATA Open Round entries have all been turned in. I ended up providing voice work for three of the entries.

Blume by Hikarian
A young elven girl questions a long held tradition, and ends up redefining a holiday. I play the narrator and young girl.

Let's Invent a Holiday by sandwich-eater
I punny short with a twist ending. I have two lines as the "Chick" character.

Say Sneeze by Brewster
This probably has the most sneezes I've seen in an animation. I provided some random sneezes. Perhaps you can here my squeaks in the sneeze chorus.

Be sure to check out the NATA Open Round webpage to see the rest of the entries. There were 46 total and there is some pretty awesome stuff to watch! Best of luck to everyone for this round's judging!


Posted by Bindy - April 12th, 2013

VOXy Updates
I had the great pleasure to work with johnathan-wrathborne playing Dea on his new project, Romanticide. I LOVE the pacing in this. He really has a lot of attention to detail. I don't think I've seen a character have so many different eye twitch reactions until Keiichi. This is one of the few times I've not been taken out of immersion by my own voice. =3

Lately I've been trying to expand more, and step outside my cutesy character comfort zone. A few months ago I finished up recording for an assassin video game character. She's dead funny hahaha and I can't wait for the game to be complete. After a semi-longish battle with being sick, I'll be finishing up lines for Enthalpy's Hazard (It's taken slightly a bit loooonger because my voice refused to :/ cooperate for one little pickup), as well as playing a super BAMF big sister role to finish the strong female character trifecta. More details when they're out (hopefully soon)!

In other news! NATA is underway! If you don't know what NATA is, you should! It's a super awesome annual Tournament of Animation, making a new themed animation from scratch each round.

Last year I had a blast with test-object, and hopefully I'll be able to participate lots more people this year. If you're needing of a female voice (or perhaps a monster?) for your NATA animation, feel free to send me a note. I can also help out with a bit of mixing and SFX recording.

Posted by Bindy - August 18th, 2012

Whoo. It's been a super stressful time the past few months. Things really kept beating me up! Hopefully all of that is past and I'll finally be able to get caught up with voice work and whatnot. Happy times and new projects for the future!

Some things with my voice came out while I was...away.
Monster Raiders!
This is a super cute show with some beast super heroines, written and animated by BradRedfield! I play Chili, the dragon. She's got a bit of spice to her. Ellie is fantastic as Nikki If you're a fan of zentai heros and cute things, be sure to check it out!
Here's a preview back when it was called Tanukiman
The full version is 10x more awesome.

NATA with test-object
I did the sound work for another one of test-object's animations" Vice Versa
Trippy plant people created humans? My favorite bit of art is the acorn soldiers! Sadly, this lost in the Master's Round of NATA. There's always next year though!

Most of my voicework is in the fanparody/abridging realm. That being said, here are some "recent-ish" things that feature my voice

Sgt. Frog Abridged 17
Mois! My trademark cutesy voice fits her really well! This has got to be one of the best episodes I've been in. Thorn does and amazing job editing, and his scripts never waste a line.

Quadgun 6
A super awesome Trigun parody. You can hear me attempting a southern bell accent with Elizabeth. >__> My natural VA accent doesn't seem to fit with the old west theme, so we got some nice experimentation going on here. Oozi's vash cracks me up nonetheless.

Outlaw Star Abridged 5
Airrest leads our motley crew of voice actors and actresses in this space drama parody. Aisha Clan Clan finally gets a big part! Too bad she only appears in a few episodes! It seems like we all have our own things going on, so this series tends to take a loooong time to get worked on.

Posted by Bindy - July 5th, 2012

Another project with test-object! It's a short animation for NATA called Helio Inc. It's a semi-sweet short about the relationship of the Sun, Moon, and some catty clouds.

No voice acting this time! In a rather unusual turn of events I mixed the audio for the piece, and learned quite a few things:
1) test-object puts a lot of subtle movements on his characters! Without voice work, you really can focus on the little character quirks. It seemed like on every watch, I found a little gesture that I'd missed.
2) Listen back to things on more than one medium and have a good deal of cushion time! I just used my headphones within the project, and skipped that all important check on the exported file because i was running behind! The result: A super quiet track. It In hindsight, I should have used MUCH higher levels and probably would have caught it had I not been so focused on sending ASAP.
3) Vacations are awesome.

Posted by Bindy - June 9th, 2012

I had the chance to work with test-object yet again for the NATA Novice round. His entry was Olifant, a rather surreal piece with nose people voiced by my good friends TheOnlyFlorence and Airrest.

If you haven't seen NATA, be sure to check it out! There are some fantastic animators battling it out in a bracket style tourney.

Posted by Bindy - January 19th, 2012

I had the pleasure of working with test-object on a flash animation: "Good Night Sweet Prince." The art and storytelling are fantastic, so check it out! Can you pickup the lovely tidbits of foreshadowing the first time around?


I helped a bit with sound effects and provided voice work for the narrator, mother, and child.

The most fun however, was from sound effects! I spent a good hour or so splashing around to record water sounds for this. It was a good throwback to pre-k, and I finally found a use for all of those random containers I have lying around! Sadly, the end results of awesome splash time were not as epic, for my little sink was not made for such adventures and cleaning up was a bit of a pain. Totally worth it though. Totally. I think I might start making SFX when I get in another VA slump, but I'll have to be a bit more time efficient =3