I'm a professional voice talent! Hear me in video games, toys, & animations. I'll voice anything from young boys & cute girls, to seductive temptresses and monsters. I will not voice adult content projects. Range: Medium - Suuuper High!

Bindy Coda @Bindy


Voice Actress

The internets

Joined on 12/20/09

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1,120 / 1,350
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Bindy's News

Posted by Bindy - April 20th, 2024

In case you didn't know, I have an aggressively pink booth: STUDIO PUSH!

I also have a loooot of microphones. Sometimes clients like to A/B different ones on my voice, and I'll mount two like so:




Posted by Bindy - February 8th, 2021


I have a super cute recording space now. ADR ready, and overseen by the mighty Council of Pusheen!



That shockmount is custom painted for ultimate cuteness <3. The only thing is needs is MORE PUSHEEN

Gross monster sounds are recorded here between sips of tea from a fancy tea cup.




Posted by Bindy - October 18th, 2020

Hey Fam!

It's me your geekiest mic nerd, Bindy!

I'm creating a resource for folks who want to hear popular voice over microphones on higher voiced talents. Most gear reviews cater to male and lower voiced talents, so squeakers like me never hear how the high ends stack up!

I have a SoundCloud dedicated just to RAW, unprocessed, mic samples of my collection.

Check it: Bindy's Mic Samples

The samples have NO EQ/COMP/Noise removal or other post processing, so you can hear JUST the mic. There are general mic samples, as well as direct A/B "Squeaker Shootouts," where two mics recorded the same source simultaneously. Mic answers and recording chain info are in the playlist descriptions, so you can give each mic an unbiased ear.

Current Squeaker Shootouts!

Neumann U87 vs TLM103

Blue Bluebird vs Sennheiser 416

TODO: Neumann TLM103 vs Sennheiser 416

P.S. Can you guess which mic this is? Only one person has gotten it right!



Posted by Bindy - August 3rd, 2020

Hey Fam!

It’s me, your resident mic nerd and squeaker extraordinaire!

As you all know I’ve got a pretty awesome professional voice over studio. I’ve finally made a page with my specs. Check out the deets here! https://www.bendyvoices.com/studio

I have both a Neumann U87 and the Sennheiser MKH 416, which are the heavy hitters in professional VO.

Wouldn’t it be great to hear both of those and more in a squeaker voice mic shootout?

I have a bunch of other mics in my locker, including popular first upgrades.

I’m going to be doing a shootout so folks can hear the different mics in the same environment on a high voiced female! It’s under represented for mic samples. (Seriously, why are all shootouts for dudes?!)

The idea is that folks hear the differences in mic character on dem Brights. A lot of mics sounds great...until you hit the higher frequencies. Brittle Bright Syndrome is a thing! Hopefully it will help folks trying to upgrade. It’s hard to try every mic, especially with COVID. Spoilers: I only keep mics that sound okay on my squeaks. You’re not gonna hear stinkers.

If you have a request, let me know and I’ll include it in the shootout! The current list includes VO industry standards, some fun ones I like for my squeaky voice, and popular first mic upgrades (from Blue, because I love Blue)

Current List

  1. Neumann U87
  2. Sennheiser MKH 416
  3. Blue Dragonfly Deluxe
  4. Blue Dragonfly
  5. Blue Reactor
  6. Blue Bluebird (Legacy)
  7. Blue Spark (Legacy)

This list doesn’t include USB mics or super beginner mics! My Yeti, Snowball, and MXL 990 are on loan, sorry! If y’all are interested in hearing super beginner mics, let me know and I’ll see what I can do!



Posted by Bindy - June 1st, 2018

It's Summer Animation Jam time! The first round's theme is "A Bad Dream." It's partnered with  @RubberNinja’s #Animonthly, so you can enter both with the same animation!

If you're in need of voice work for the Jam, I'm happy to lend my voice. As always, NG Jam voice over is free of charge as long as it's a non-commerical work. Please note, I will not voice in adult content projects.

Remember when asking for voice work, include as much information as possible! Character and scene direction are incredibly helpful! A full script is better than individual lines, for scene context. Also! Newgrounds users span the globe! Be sure to factor in time zone delay and VA recording schedules into your deadlines.

You can hear my oldish demo here: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/599898

Contact via email for fastest reply: bindy(at)bendyvoices[dot]com


Posted by Bindy - May 16th, 2018

It's been a while Newgrounds, but I've got some exiting nerdy news! There is a toy with MY voice on store shelves world-wide! A Power Rangers Toy! 

If you pick up the new Bandai Legacy Zeonizer, you'll hear me as Zeo Ranger Pink! I have a few projects in the air, but this is the first to hit store shelves. I happened to nab the last one in stock at my local Toys R Us. Being able to walk into a store and physically pick up a toy with your own voice is a pretty stellar feeling. Even more so because mini-me lived the Power Ranger life after school every day and was one of the little monsters playing in the TRU isles growing up! Nostalgia right in the feels! 

It's pretty nice too, if pricey! If you want to pick one up for cosplay or monster battles you won't be dissappointed.

MMPRtoys has a great review so you can see it in action! It plays the FULL Zeo theme song and has motion activate battle noises!


As always, you can get more frequent updates from my social media.

Twitter: www.twitter.com/BindyCoda

Facebook: www.facebook.com/BindyCoda

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/BindyCoda

Website: www.bendyvoices.com

Newgrounds: www.bindy.newgrounds.com

If you'd like to book me for any of your projects, please use my website contact form. Unfortunately, DMs might get overlooked!


Posted by Bindy - September 30th, 2017

Hey folks! I've been up to a lot of cool voice over things! For the longest time, e-learning was the bread and butter of my studio. Now it looks like video games and other fun things have taken over. Unfortunately, I can't provide much project information right now, but you'll be hearing in some upcoming smaller games. You'll also be hearing me sometime in the (much?) later future in some cool toys! Again, can't provide project specifics, but one is a voice match for a character I grew up watching! It's the (current) high point of the year!

I've also taken on a new voice over student who is knocking it out of the park with her submissions! Her booking rate might be better than mine! Which is fine by me! I'm usually the session's sound engineer.

Finally, I've gotten around to doing some studio upgrades...snack station is now halfway done. Complete with green apples and a Keurig for some nice between session refreshment. I'm more of a tea person, (as you can see by the tea and sweetner bar next to it!) but a ton of people like to have their Keurig coffee. Right now the only flavor is coffee. And by coffee, I mean the first coffee flavor I saw at the store. No judgement! I'm not a coffee person!

Next on the docket is getting setting up another voice booth, so I can record more than one person at at time. Once everything is settled, I'll have to remount all of the acoustic panels to be level. (AND SOMEONE needs to eat those bananas!)

Voice Over Studio! Now with more Snack bar action!


Also, you may have noticed that my screen name has changed everywhere! If you want to find me, use the following

Twitter: www.twitter.com/BindyCoda

Facebook: www.facebook.com/BindyCoda

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/BindyCoda

Website: www.bendyvoices.com

Newgrounds: www.bindy.newgrounds.com

If you'd like to book me for any of your projects, please use my website contact form. Unfortunately, DMs might get overlooked!


Posted by Bindy - July 2nd, 2017

Hey folks! It's been a while since I've updated. I've rebranded my website to align more with the services I offer in voice over and sound work. Check out the new services on my website!

Also, you may have noticed that my screen name has changed everywhere! If you want to find me, use the following

Twitter: www.twitter.com/BindyCoda

Facebook: www.facebook.com/BindyCoda

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/BindyCoda

Website: www.bendyvoices.com

Newgrounds: www.bindy.newgrounds.com

If you'd like to book me for any of your projects, please use my website contact form. Unfortunately, DMs might get overlooked!


Posted by Bindy - June 21st, 2015

It's NATA season again! As always, I provide voice work to any participant that asks! This year's Open Round theme was "10 Amazing Facts." I recorded for 7 entries, 5 of which made the Open Round deadline! 

* Perrobang's "An Absolute Fact"
* SirbrickRock's "10 Amazing Actual facts"
* TheSilleGuy's "Telling the Truth"
* jlorp's "On 32"
* Dylan's "loves me, loves me not"

The open round entries from @Dylan, @Perrobang, and @jlorps all made featured! Props guys!

My favorite from this round is Dylan's "loves me, loves me not": 

You can view all of the entries and follow the animation tournament here: http://www.ngtournament.com/open


Posted by Bindy - June 6th, 2015

Its NATA season again everyone! The open round ends next week, so there is still a bit of time to join the animation tournament. This year's open round topic is "10 Amazing Facts." Check it out!

If you're in need of voice work, there are quite a few people willing to lend their voices! Remember when asking for voice work to include as much information as possible, including character and scene direction if available. A full script is better than individual lines. Also! Newgrounds users span the globe! Be sure to factor in time zone delay and VA recording schedules into your deadlines.


Here's a quick list of NATA VAs and demos.

Female Talent:


Male Talent:




Reply if you want to be added to the list! I'll keep a running list for each NATA round!